
What is Nooj ?


Sophisticated linguistic engine


More than 20 languages are known by the software


More than 150 file formats on windows, Mac and Linux.


Made for developement an fully customizable


NooJ is a linguistic development environment software developed by Max Silberztein. Using mathematical rules it provides linguistic tools to help customers formalize natural languages and aid in the building of software able to automatically process texts written in natural language (Natural Language Processing, or NLP).

This application of descriptive linguistics includes spell-checkers, intelligent search engines, information extractors and annotators, automatic summary producers, automatic translators, and more.

Analysis of the televised debate between Macron and Marine le Pen on May 3, 2017


Tutorials and Linguistic Ressources

Quechua module

Author : Maximiliano Duran, Université Franche-Comté

Qu4NooJ is a set of linguistic resources developed on NooJ for the automated processing of quechua language. We follow the structure of the NooJ modules developed in the last ten years for various languages (A. Barreiro, 2008 for Portuguese; K. Bogacki, 2008 for Polish; E. Chadjipapa et al., 2010 and Z. Gavrillidou et al., 2008 for Greek; M. Georganta et L. Papadopoulo, 2012 for Ancient Greek; F. Aoughlis et al., 2014 for Tamazight; K. Dobrovolic, 2014 for Slovene). It is composed of a demo text and contains two types of elements necessary for the linguistic analysis of texts. The first one include some dictionaries of lexemes which can operate independently. The second one is a system containing a certain number of local grammars describing inflections and derivations obtained using nominal and verbal suffixes. It also includes a grammar that recognizes and annotates the dates and a grammar for the recognition of direct phrases.

It is not the purpose of this module to give users exhaustive dictionaries or a complete libraries of local grammars but rather to show some characteristics of quechua morphology and syntax.

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