
What is Nooj ?


Sophisticated linguistic engine


More than 20 languages are known by the software


More than 150 file formats on windows, Mac and Linux.


Made for developement an fully customizable


NooJ is a linguistic development environment software developed by Max Silberztein. Using mathematical rules it provides linguistic tools to help customers formalize natural languages and aid in the building of software able to automatically process texts written in natural language (Natural Language Processing, or NLP).

This application of descriptive linguistics includes spell-checkers, intelligent search engines, information extractors and annotators, automatic summary producers, automatic translators, and more.

Analysis of the televised debate between Macron and Marine le Pen on May 3, 2017

Middle French

Tutorials and Linguistic Ressources

Middle French module

Author : Mourad Aouini, Unité Cultures, Langues, Textes (CLT) - CNRS

The Middle French which is a language in the course of evolution including: spelling, the flexional system and the syntax are not stable. The texts in Middle French are mainly distinguished by the absence of normalized orthography and the geographical and chronological variability of medieval lexicons.

The NooJ middle french module allows setting up a chain of treatment allowing the automatic annotation of texts: grammar annotation using a morphosyntactic tagging method and semantic annotation by putting in operates a system of named-entity recognition.

It was developed based on MEDITEXT corpus of texts in Middle French between the end of the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries.

At the moment, the module contains 18 morphological grammars, 16 dictionaries and 31 syntactic grammars:
- Electronic dictionaries, based on morphological rules
- Disambiguation grammars allowing contextual analyzes to remove morpho-syntactic ambiguities.
- Local grammars to find the named entities

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