
What is Nooj ?


Sophisticated linguistic engine


More than 20 languages are known by the software


More than 150 file formats on windows, Mac and Linux.


Made for developement an fully customizable


NooJ is a linguistic development environment software developed by Max Silberztein. Using mathematical rules it provides linguistic tools to help customers formalize natural languages and aid in the building of software able to automatically process texts written in natural language (Natural Language Processing, or NLP).

This application of descriptive linguistics includes spell-checkers, intelligent search engines, information extractors and annotators, automatic summary producers, automatic translators, and more.

Analysis of the televised debate between Macron and Marine le Pen on May 3, 2017


Tutorials and Linguistic Ressources

French module

The French module includes:
-- INTEX’s Delaf and Delacf dictionaries. Soon: we are constructing a new dictionary for NooJ, with the help of the Univ. d’Aix Marseille.
-- a dictionary of 10,000+ first names as well as 1,000+ toponyms (cities and countries), constructed by students at the Univ. of Franche-Comté
-- a series of morphological grammars,
-- formalization of the inflection for simple and compound words and derivation for simple words.
-- a series of disambiguation grammars,
-- a series of syntactic grammars.

Download attachments:

Documentation en français pour NooJ

Michel Roux a écrit une documentation en français

Download attachments: Doc_NooJ.pdf

L'analyse syntaxique avec NooJ

Gisèle Chevalier a conçu trois tutoriels sur l'analyse syntaxique avec NooJ

Download attachments: LaboSyntaxe.pdf

[TUTO 1] NOOJ: Comment installer Nooj ?

[TUTO 2] NOOJ : Mettre Nooj en français, Ouvrir un texte

[TUTO 3] NOOJ : La concordance

[TUTO 4] NOOJ: Disjonction, Concaténation et Factorisation

TUTO 5] NOOJ: A quoi servent l'élément neutre, l'astérisque et les crochets ?

[TUTO 6] NOOJ : Généraliser les natures et filtrer la recherche

lien vers la fiche d'annotation du tutoriel

[TUTO 7] NOOJ: Créer une grammaire électronique et l'appliquer à un texte

TUTO 8] NOOJ : Créer une grammaire graphique

[TUTO 9] NOOJ : créer la grammaire graphique d'une date

[TUTO 10] NOOJ: Créer des annotations grâce à une grammaire graphique !

[TUTO 11] NOOJ : Convertir un document en XML

[TUTO 12] NOOJ : Analyse statistique