
What is Nooj ?


Sophisticated linguistic engine


More than 20 languages are known by the software


More than 150 file formats on windows, Mac and Linux.


Made for developement an fully customizable


NooJ is a linguistic development environment software developed by Max Silberztein. Using mathematical rules it provides linguistic tools to help customers formalize natural languages and aid in the building of software able to automatically process texts written in natural language (Natural Language Processing, or NLP).

This application of descriptive linguistics includes spell-checkers, intelligent search engines, information extractors and annotators, automatic summary producers, automatic translators, and more.

Analysis of the televised debate between Macron and Marine le Pen on May 3, 2017


Futur Events

NooJ 2019

From 07/06/2019 to 09/06/2019
In: Hammamet

Past Events

NooJ Workshop in Zadar

From 09/05/2019 to 10/05/2019
In: Zadar University, Croatia

Semaine NooJ à l'INALCO

From 07/01/2019 to 11/01/2019

NooJ workshop in Salerne

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Sociali e della Comunicazione,

Università degli studi di Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, 84084 Fisciano (SA) - Italia
Contact: mmonteleone at unit dot it
From 27/11/2018 to 30/11/2018

NooJ Workshop in Kyiv

From 17/11/2018 to 17/11/2018


We are happy to inform you that we will organise the workshop "Linguistic Resources for NLP" at COLING2018 in Santa Fe, USA.

From 20/08/2018 to 21/08/2018
In: Santa Fee, USA

NooJ 2018

The NooJ association will organize the 16th NooJ International Conference in Palermo, Italy, June 20-22.
Web site and CFP soon!

From 20/06/2018 to 22/06/2018
In: Palermo, Italy


The NooJ association will organize the 23rd Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems (NLDB) at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France, June 13-15, 2018.

From 13/06/2018 to 15/06/2018
In: Paris

Semaine NooJ à l'INALCO 2018

L'INALCO organisera la semaine NooJ du 8 au 12 janvier 2018, au 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris.
Attention : places limitées !

From 08/01/2018 to 12/01/2018
In: INALCO, Paris

NooJ in Chile!

The Instituto de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso chose NooJ to build their NLP medical applications!

From 13/12/2017 to 16/12/2017
In: Valparaiso, Chile


We are happy to inform you that we will organize the workshop "Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Generation".

From 04/09/2017 to 07/09/2017
In: Santiago de Compostela, Spain

International NooJ conference 2017

From 18/05/2017 to 20/05/2017
In: Kenitra, Morocco

Semaine NooJ à l'INALCO 2017

From 09/01/2017 to 13/01/2017
In: INALCO, Paris, France

2ème journées maghrébines NooJ

From 07/11/2016 to 11/11/2016
In: Kenitra, Maroc

International NooJ Conference 2016

From 09/06/2016 to 11/06/2016
In: České Budějovice

Semaine NooJ à l'INALCO 2016

From 11/01/2016 to 15/01/2016
In: INALCO, Paris, France

Premières journées maghrébines NooJ

From 05/10/2015 to 08/10/2015
In: Sfax, Tunisie

International NooJ Conference 2015

From 11/06/2015 to 13/06/2015
In: Minsk

Semaine NooJ à l'INALCO 2015

From 11/01/2015 to 15/01/2015
In: INALCO Paris

NooJ International Conference 2014

From 02/06/2014 to 04/06/2014
In: Sassari

A NooJ Intensive Tutorial Workshop

From 09/11/2013 to 15/11/2013
In: Sassari, Italia

NooJ International Conference 2013

From 01/06/2013 to 03/06/2013
In: Saarbrücken, Germany

Tutoriel NooJ à Infol@ngues 2013

From 17/04/2013 to 20/04/2013
In: Béja, Tunisia

Semaine NooJ à l'INALCO 2013

From 26/01/2013 to 25/01/2013
In: INALCO, Paris, France

NooJ Demo at COLING2012

From 09/12/2012 to 09/12/2012
In: Mumbai, India

International NooJ conference 2012

From 14/06/2012 to 16/06/2012
In: Paris, France

NooJ Workshop at LREC2012

From 20/05/2012 to 20/05/2012
In: Istanbul, Turkey

Semaine NooJ à l'INALCO 2012

From 29/01/2012 to 02/02/2012
In: Paris, France/

International NooJ Conference 2011

From 13/06/2011 to 15/06/2011
In: Dubrovnik, Croatia

Semaine NooJ à l'INALCO 2011

From 17/01/2011 to 21/01/2011
In: Paris, France

International NooJ Conference 2010

From 27/05/2010 to 29/05/2010
In: Komotini, Greece

Semaine NooJ à l’INALCO 2010

From 01/02/2010 to 05/02/2010
In: Paris, France

Atelier NooJ à Neuchâtel

From 22/10/2009 to 22/10/2009
In: Neuchâtel, Swizerland

Lexicologie, terminologie, traduction

From 13/10/2009 to 15/10/2009
In: Lisbonne, Portugal

International NooJ Conference 2009

From 08/06/2009 to 10/06/2009
In: Tozeur, Tunisia

NooJ Workshop 2009

From 26/05/2009 to 26/05/2009
In: University of Porto, Portugal

Semaine NooJ à l’INALCO 2009

From 26/01/2009 to 30/01/2009
In: Paris, France

International NooJ Conference 2008

From 08/06/2008 to 10/06/2008
In: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungaria

NooJ Workshop Corpus Linguistics 2007 Conference

From 27/07/2007 to 27/07/2007
In: Birmingham University, UK

International NooJ Conference 2007

From 07/06/2007 to 09/06/2007
In: Univ. Autonomous of Barcelona, Spain

Workshop Language Resources for Teaching and Research

From 23/04/2007 to 23/04/2007
In: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Workshop NooJ: un moteur de recherche linguistique

From 27/11/2006 to 28/11/2006
In: ISIMS Univ. de Sfax, Tunisie

Workshop sur la traduction - Univ. Paris1

From 29/09/2006 to 29/09/2006
In: Univ. Paris 1

Stage de formation NooJ à Paris X

From 08/06/2006 to 09/06/2006
In: MoDyCo, Univ. Paris X, France

The 9th INTEX/NooJ Conference 2006

From 01/06/2006 to 03/06/2006
In: Belgrade, SERBIA

Présentation de NooJ aux 8èmes JADT

From 20/04/2006 to 20/04/2006
In: Besançon

Atelier NooJ à la conférence Constructions verbales et production de sens

From 26/01/2006 to 28/01/2006
In: Besançon

NooJ v1.21 presented at EMNLP 2005

From 06/10/2005 to 08/10/2005
In: Vancouver, Canada

The 8th INTEX/NooJ Workshop

From 30/05/2005 to 02/06/2005
In: Besançon

Journée NooJ à l'INALCO 05/2005

From 20/05/2005 to 20/05/2005
In: Paris, France

Journée NooJ à l'INALCO 02/2005

From 18/02/2005 to 18/02/2005
In: Paris, France

The 7th INTEX/NooJ Workshop

From 07/06/2004 to 09/06/2004
In: Tours